Profile of the Department

The Department of Forest Resource Planning and Informatics at the Faculty of Forestry belongs to the profile departments. It provides students with theoretical and practical preparation in basic and specialised disciplines aimed at obtaining, processing and evaluation of information about random phenomena in forestry by biometrical methods. It focuses also on forest mapping, obtaining of trees and stands mensurational (dendrometric) quantities and on patterns of forest growth and production, which establish the forest management as a main subject. Within the scope of this subject, students acquire knowledge and are particulary introduced to the natural reproduction theory and practical making of forest management plans as well as to other forest management works of this scientific field. The basic knowledge of these sciences area widened and developed by the system of eligible subjects whose origin and development has been stimulated by diversification of study, changed ecological conditions and proprietary relations to forest.
History of the Department
The Department of Forest Resource Planning and Informatics (the Department of Forest Management and Geodesy) is one of the founding departments of the Forestry Faculty of the VŠLD. In the years 1952-1962 it existed as the Department of Forest Management and Forest Economy. In 1962 an independent Department of Economic Treatment of Forests (HÚL) was established, and in 1981, the Department of Forest Management and Geodesy was established by the merger of the Department of HÚL and the Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry. The name of the Department of Forest Management and Geodesy was changed to the Department of Forest Resource Planning and Informatics in 2019. The position of the head of the Department was held by important representatives of the Slovak forestry, the VŠLD and the TU such as prof. Mgr. Dr. Ing. František Papánek, prof. Dr.h.c. Ing. Adolf Priesol, DrSc., Prof. Ing. Klement Hubač, CSc., Prof. Ing. Štefan Šmelko, DrSc., Prof. Ing. Štefan Žíhlavník, CSc., Prof. Ing. Milan Hladík, CSc., Prof. Ing. Anton Žíhlavník, CSc. Since 2010 prof. Ing. Marek Fabrika, PhD. has been the Head of the Department. As co-workers, other prominent specialists such as prof. Dr. Ing. Ján Halaj, DrSc., Doc. Ing. Marián Šuška, CSc. and prof. Ing. Dr. Václav Korf. held an important position at the Department.