International cooperation
Študuj program Geoinformačné a mapovacie techniky v lesníctve (GMTL)
Elite academics
Possibilities of study
The Department of Forest Resource Planning and Informatics at the Faculty of Forestry belongs to the profile departments. It provides students with theoretical and practical preparation in basic and specialised disciplines aimed at obtaining, processing and evaluation of information about random phenomena in forestry by biometrical methods. It focuses also on forest mapping, obtaining of trees and stands mensurational (dendrometric) quantities and on patterns of forest growth and production, which establish the forest management as a main subject. Within the scope of this subject, students acquire knowledge and are particulary introduced to the natural reproduction theory and practical making of forest management plans as well as to other forest management works of this scientific field. The basic knowledge of these sciences area widened and developed by the system of eligible subjects whose origin and development has been stimulated by diversification of study, changed ecological conditions and proprietary relations to forest.
International Cooperation
04 Feb 2019The Technical University in Zvolen in cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna and the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague started...
Quick links
Katedra plánovania lesných zdrojov a informatikyLesnícka fakulta
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
Ul. T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
Head of the Department

+421 455 206 298